Interview to Marlos Silva from Inova-Ria adressing the FRACTALS project
“Agriculture, due to its importance in the economic activity and society, has been one of the sectors with which Inova-Ria has worked in order to make the use of ICT and Electronics technologies universal, providing agribusiness and small farmers, family or subsistence-oriented, with the necessary means to increase productivity, the quality of its products and ultimately their competitiveness.
The transversal ICTE sector demands from Inova-Ria, as a representative of this sector, the creation of synergies with agribusiness companies, which can greatly benefit from technological innovations, and still, at the same time, foster the creation of opportunities for companies working/operating in the fields of information technology, communications and electronics. We classify these synergies as Smart Farm.
The accelerator FRACTALS, funded by the FP7 program within the PPP FIWARE purpose, is one of the 16 thematic accelerators and co-finances the development of targeted ICTE technologies for the agriculture sector.
Based on pre-existing collaborations, Inova-Ria promoted, with the Strongstep support, an info-day led by representatives of the University Novi Sad an Vojvodina ICT Cluster, both from Serbia and leaders of FRACTAL project.
From this event, outreach work and the support to the preparation of projects and the partner search, arise 5 national projects with the use of ICTE technologies applied to numerous agricultural sectors where sensing, cloud computing & big data create answers to specific needs in agribusiness, such as detecting diseases and plagues, smart irrigation, genetic classification, the creation of procurement market places, and many more.“ by Marlos Silva