Strongstep rocked at Capability Counts Conference’15 in London
On the past 26th and 27th of March, Strongstep was present at Capability Counts Conference in London, where in the voice of our CEO, Pedro Castro Henriques and our esteemed colleague Alexandrina Lemos, the only Portuguese speakers at the event, presented a new vision on the mapping between CMMI and Kanban.
A successful event that gathered some of the greatest CMMI and Agile gurus, including Kirk Botula, President of the CMMI Institute and Paul Nielsen, CEO of the Software Engineering Institute, and some of the largest British companies.
The participation of Strongstep at this event exceed all expectations, and also proved to be an excellent networking opportunity as well as a great way to get to know the most current practices in CMMI and Agile throughouth real life stories.
See the presentation here
See more photos of the event here